General dentistry

Tooth decay is a disease characterized by heading to produce injuries involving destruction of the tooth.

Decays can develop on any surface of a tooth, when it has bacterial plaque. The bacterial plaque, is the result of food debris, causes a decrease in the buccal PH so that becomes dental chemical destruction. Therefore, decays are directly associated both to the intake of sugars and acids contained in food and beverages, as well as inadequate hygiene techniques.

The plaque is located on the surface of the tooth and inside the gums. Once this plaque is calcified allows growing the tartar. This plate is formed because of the scraps of food.

Tooth decay causes an injury to the hard tissue of the tooth, first affecting the enamel and then to the dentin, which may even affect the innermost area (pulp chamber) and cause infection and inflammation (pulpitis). This infection would lead to the devitalisation of the piece or even the loss of it.

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